December 5th, 2022 - 2 PM to 6 PM
Session organized by

the Paris-Saclay Institute of Therapeutic Innovation
14h00-14h15 Introduction Françoise BACHELERIE
14h15-14h45 DI FRANCESCO Dario, Milano, Italy:
Rodolphe and the French school: a cAMPrehensive approach to cardiac signaling and electrophysiology
14h45-15h15 NARGEOT Joël, Montpellier, France:
A tale of two L-type calcium channels in the heart: function and pathophysiology
15h15-15h45 SIPIDO Karin, Leuven, Belgium:
Rodolphe Fischmeister and the cardiovascular scientific community in Europe and beyond
Coffee break
16h15-16h45 EISNER David, Manchester, UK:
Calcium in the heart: lessons from Ringer to Rodolphe
16h45-17h15 SCOTT John D., Seattle, USA:
Exploring and exploiting the spatial constraints of cAMP signaling
December 6th, 2022 - 9 AM to 5 PM
Session organized by the Laboratory of Signalling and Cardiovascular Pathophysiology (UMR-S 1180)
9h15-9h30 Introduction : Ana-Maria GOMEZ
Chair: Jean-Pierre BENITAH
9h30-9h45 BOUTJDIR Mohamed, Brooklyn, USA:
Inflammatory cytokines and cardiac arrhythmias: the lesson from COVID-19
9h45-10h00 HOVE-MADSEN Leif, Barcelona, Spain:
cAMP signaling in atrial fibrillation
10h00-10h15 SHRIER Alvin, Montreal, Canada:
The path from hERG channels to complex cardiac rhythms
10h15-10h30 MOLINA Cristina, Hamburg, Germany
The Human part in our science
10h30-10h45 GOMEZ Ana-Maria, Orsay, France:
Calcium makes my heart beat
Coffee break
Cyclic nucleotide control in various systems
Chair: Delphine MIKA
11h15-11h30 CONTI Marco, San Francisco, USA:
PDE4 as flexible components shaping cAMP signals
11h30-11h45 CASTRO Liliana, Paris, France:
Dopamine signaling adaptations in Parkinson’s disease
11h45-12h00 SKERBERDIS Arvydas, Kaunas, Lituania:
Phosphorylation of Cx43 by Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II increases the sensitivity of Cx43 gap junction channels to chemical gating
12h00-12h15 MIALET-PEREZ Jeanne, Angers, France:
From serotonin receptors to cardiac aging
Cyclic nucleotide dysregulation in disease
Chair: Jérôme LEROY
13h30-13h45 LEZOUALC’H Franck, Toulouse, France:
Non-classical signaling of cAMP and calcineurin in cardiac remodeling
13h45-14h00 ABI-GERGES Aniella, Beyrouth, Lebanon:
“Fisching” for differential changes affecting cAMP signaling pathway in diabetic cardiomyopathy
14h00-14h15 HIRSCH Emilio, Torino, Italy:
Targeting protein-protein interactions to control cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity and improve obstructive pulmonary diseases
14h15-14h30 LEBLAIS Véronique, Orsay, France:
Exploring PDE function in vascular cells
14h30-14h45 LEVI Renzo, Torino, Italy:
From Virginia Highland to Orsay, through calcium and cGMP
Coffee break
Repairing the heart + miscellaneous
Chair: Renée Ventura-Clapier
15h15-15h30 ROCHAIS Francesca, Marseille, France:
From heart development to cardiac repair and regeneration
15h30-15h45 VINCENT Pierre, Montpellier, France:
From cardiomyocytes to striatal neurons, cAMP imaging reveals various integration schemes
15h45-16h00 ESCHENHAGEN Thomas, Hamburg, Germany:
From cGMP and muscarinic receptors to regenerating the heart, a not so straight story
16h00-16h15 VANDECASTEELE Grégoire, Orsay, France:
Surfin' the cAMP wave
16h15-16h30 HARTZELL H. Criss, Atlanta, USA:
Let’s go fisching together!
16h30-16h45 Conclusion